A fun project created using SwiftUI with love for the Uchiha clan

The Uchiha clan has been one of the most powerful and influential families of Konoha the last couple of generations, and their power may increase even more in the coming years. I’ve decided to make a pitch to the Uchiha to get them to support the project I am working on. I’ve created a pitch deck and a website that I will be sending to them in the next few days, and I am asking you to help me out with sharing this pitch and my blog post with them. I would like to get the pitch and the blog post up on the Uchiha Clan Blog and on the Uchiha Clan Facebook page , so that everyone on the clan can read about the pitch and my blog post.

This project is my take on the Uchiha clan. I’m not 100% sure how it ended up like this, but I like to think that this project is my way of paying tribute to the clan.

Uchiha clan is one of the most famous ninja clan in Japan. The Uchiha clan is so famous that the world believes that the Uchiha clan is real. It is true that there is one ninja clan called Uchiha clan but the Uchiha name is the name of the clan leader. Uchiha clan is also famous for its main weapon which is the Sharingan. The Sharingan is a kekkei genkai (an ability that can be passed down in the shinobi clan). There are only 2 Sharingans in the whole world. One was created by Hiruzen Sarutobi, the founder of the village Hidden Leaf village, and the other is the son of the leader of the Uchi

For iOS, there’s a new app called Sharingan Loader.

For iOS projects, an animated sharingan loader. This is a fun project made using SwiftUI and a passion for the Uchiha family. More eye kinds are on the way, along with a plethora of customizing options… Please feel free to open an issue if you have any ideas or feature requests.

After 4x animationDuration, the mangekyou sharingan awakens.

Sharingan Sharingan Mangekyou
img1 img2

What’s New on the Site?

  • [v0.2.0] Mangekyou makeover on a Sharingan loader.
  • [v0.1.3] Three tomoes are sharing a loader.

Used Programming Languages and Frameworks

The project is designed to work with iOS 14 and above.

What is the best way to utilize it?


To begin, use Swift Package Manager to add the project –

dependencies: [.package(url: “https://github.com/Fury-2K/Sharingan-Loader.git”, from: “0.1.3”) ] [.package(url: “https://github.com/Fury-2K/Sharingan-Loader.git”, from: “0.1.3”) ]

To utilize the loader in the codebase, perform the following:

  1. Import SharinganLoader is now available.
  2. To embed the loader, use the code below.

isVisible: $showingLoader, shouldTransformToMangekyou: true) SharinganLoader(diameter: 150, animationDuration: 1, backgroundDarkness: 0.2, isVisible: $showingLoader, shouldTransformToMangekyou: true) SharinganLoader(diameter: CGFloat, animationDuration: Double, background) is the initializer. isVisible: Binding, shouldTransformToMangekyou: Bool) Darkness: Double, isVisible: Binding, shouldTransformToMangekyou: Bool)

To assist with customization, this has the following properties:

/// Diameter of the sharingan eye. var diameter: CGFloat /// Time taken for the eye to complete 1 full rotation. var animationDuration: Double /// Black background intensity. /// Range => 0 to 1 var backgroundDarkness: Double /// Binding var to toggle loader visibility. @Binding var isVisible: Bool /// Toggle to allow mangekyou sharingan awakening. var shouldTransformToMangekyou: Bool

  • For the sharingan eye, diameter refers to the breadth and height of the eye. The default value for this is 100.
  • animationDuration- As the name implies, this property is used to control the length of animations in the loader view. The timer is set to 1 second by default.
  • The intensity of the darkness behind the loader is represented by backgroundDarkness. The lowest value is 0 and the greatest value is 1. The default value for this is 0.2.
  • isVisible- When set to true, this binding boolean displays the loading indicator view, and vice versa.
  • shouldTransformToMangekyou- This determines whether or not the mangekyou sharingan awakens.

Do you want to help out?

  • Other anime-related loaders are welcome to be included.
  • Raise the public’s awareness. I’d be delighted to evaluate and integrate it 🙂

Having issues?

  • If you’re having difficulty with this project or discover any issues, please create a new issue and explain the situation.
  • You may also send me an email at [email protected].



After 4x animationDuration, the mangekyou sharingan awakens.

Sharingan Sharingan Mangekyou
img1 img2

What’s New on the Site?

  • [v0.2.0] Mangekyou makeover on a Sharingan loader.
  • [v0.1.3] Three tomoes are sharing a loader.

Used Programming Languages and Frameworks

The project is designed to work with iOS 14 and above.

What is the best way to utilize it?


To begin, use Swift Package Manager to add the project –

dependencies: [.package(url: “https://github.com/Fury-2K/Sharingan-Loader.git”, from: “0.1.3”) ] [.package(url: “https://github.com/Fury-2K/Sharingan-Loader.git”, from: “0.1.3”) ]

To utilize the loader in the codebase, perform the following:

  1. Import SharinganLoader is now available.
  2. To embed the loader, use the code below.

isVisible: $showingLoader, shouldTransformToMangekyou: true) SharinganLoader(diameter: 150, animationDuration: 1, backgroundDarkness: 0.2, isVisible: $showingLoader, shouldTransformToMangekyou: true) SharinganLoader(diameter: CGFloat, animationDuration: Double, background) is the initializer. isVisible: Binding, shouldTransformToMangekyou: Bool) Darkness: Double, isVisible: Binding, shouldTransformToMangekyou: Bool)

To assist with customization, this has the following properties:

/// Diameter of the sharingan eye. var diameter: CGFloat /// Time taken for the eye to complete 1 full rotation. var animationDuration: Double /// Black background intensity. /// Range => 0 to 1 var backgroundDarkness: Double /// Binding var to toggle loader visibility. @Binding var isVisible: Bool /// Toggle to allow mangekyou sharingan awakening. var shouldTransformToMangekyou: Bool

  • For the sharingan eye, diameter refers to the breadth and height of the eye. The default value for this is 100.
  • animationDuration- As the name implies, this property is used to control the length of animations in the loader view. The timer is set to 1 second by default.
  • The intensity of the darkness behind the loader is represented by backgroundDarkness. The lowest value is 0 and the greatest value is 1. The default value for this is 0.2.
  • isVisible- When set to true, this binding boolean displays the loading indicator view, and vice versa.
  • shouldTransformToMangekyou- This determines whether or not the mangekyou sharingan awakens.

Do you want to help out?

  • Other anime-related loaders are welcome to be included.
  • Raise the public’s awareness. I’d be delighted to evaluate and integrate it 🙂

Having issues?

  • If you’re having difficulty with this project or discover any issues, please create a new issue and explain the situation.
  • You may also send me an email at [email protected].
  • uchiha clan symbol
  • itachi uchiha uchiha clan
  • uchiha meaning