designed to work out of the box, you can use the pre-configured logger anytime

The Logger is a USB-powered device that plugs into your computer and logs all the time you spend on it. It’s designed to work out of the box, so you can use the pre-configured logger anytime and anywhere.

The datadog ios crash reporting is designed to work out of the box, you can use the pre-configured logger anytime.


LogDog is built to operate right out of the box, so you can use the pre-configured logger whenever and anywhere you want:

sugar.debug(“hi”) sugar.mistake (“somethings went wrong”)

Alternately, create a local copy and make changes:

logger = suggar logger[“path”] var logger = suggar logger[“path”] var logger = suggar logger.debug = “/me” (“hi”)

With only a label, you can easily build a logger that uses the preset log handler:

logger = Logger.sugar; var logger = Logger.sugar; var logger = Logger (“worker:a”) logger (“hi”)


SugarLogHandler is the key component that makes everything function.

The following code sample demonstrates how to create a SugarLogHandler and utilize it to get the logging system up and running.

LoggingSystem.bootstrap indentify /!!! You’ll need a sink, an appender, and an optional errorHandler to create your own SugarLogHandler. sink = LogSinks; let sink = LogSinks; let sink = LogSinks; builtin.short let appender = TextLogAppender.stdout let errorHandler = error: Error in print(“LogError: (error)”) let errorHandler = error: Error in print(“LogError: (error)”) SugarLogHandler(label: label, sink: sink, appender: appender, errorHandler: errorHandler) / var handler = SugarLogHandler(label: label, sink: sink, appender: appender, errorHandler: errorHandler) To register values that are evaluated during logging, utilize dynamicMetadata. AuthService.shared.userId = handler.dynamicMetadata[“currentUserId”] = handler.dynamicMetadata[“currentUserId”] = handler.dynamicMetadata[“currentUserId”] = handler.dynamicMetadata[“currentUserId” logger.error = Logger(label: “app”) let logger = Logger(label: “app”) (“Something went wrong”)


Sinks are used to handle log records.

A sink may be anything from a formatter to a filter to a hook to a chain of sinks.


With only a closure, you can make a formatter sink.

allow sink to be equal to LogSinks.firstly. format “($0.entry.level.uppercased) ($0.entry.message)n” format “($0.entry.level.uppercased) ($0.entry.message)n” DEBUG: / DEBUG: DEBUG: DEBUG: DEBUG: DEBUG: hello

Alternatively, you may utilize the built-in tidy formatters directly.

let medium = LogSinks.BuiltIn.medium / default sink for sugar loggers / Output: / / 20:40:56.850 E/App main.swift.39: poor response let short = LogSinks.BuiltIn.short / Output: / / E: bad response / C: can not connect to database / 20:40:56.850 C/App main.swift.41: url=/me, status code=404 long = LogSinks.BuiltIn.long / Output: / / / 2020-11-15 20:46:31.157 can’t connect to database APP ERROR (main.swift:39 run(_:)) / / poor response / / url=/me / status code=404 / APP ERROR (main.swift:39 run(_:)) / / APP ERROR (main.swift:39 run(_:)) / APP ERROR (main.swift:39 run(_:)) / APP E ═══════════════════════════════════════════════


With only a closure, you can make a filter sink.

sink = LogSinks; let sink = LogSinks; let sink = LogSinks; first and foremost. filter $0.entry.source!= “LogDog” / logs from LogDog will be ignored.


Alternatively, you may use the built-in expressive dsl to make one.

sink = LogSinks; let sink = LogSinks; let sink = LogSinks; BuiltIn.short.contains(“private”).when(.path) let sink = LogSinks deny when(.level) BuiltIn.short greaterThanOrEqualTo(.error) is a function that compares two values. allow


Sinks may be chained together, allowing one sink to connect to another.

let sink = sinkA + sinkB + sinkC / + sinkD +… / or sinkA.concat(sinkB) .concat(sinkD) = concat(sinkC) = concat(sinkD) = concat(sinkC) = concat(sinkD) = concat(

Many frequently used operators are included with LogDog.

Prefixes and suffixes

sink = LogSinks; let sink = LogSinks; let sink = LogSinks; BuiltIn.short.prefix(” “) / Output: / E: a poor reaction sink = LogSinks; let sink = LogSinks; let sink = LogSinks; / Output: BuiltIn.short.suffix(” “) / E: a poor reaction


let sink = LogSinks.encode(JSONEncoder())


sink = LogSinks; let sink = LogSinks; let sink = LogSinks; first and foremost. encode(JSONEncoder()) is a method for encoding data. decryption (using: key, cipher: .ChaChaPoly)


sink = LogSinks; let sink = LogSinks; let sink = LogSinks; first and foremost. encode(JSONEncoder()) is a method for encoding data. compress(.COMPRESSION LZFSE)


Sinks processing may take a long time, so if you don’t want it to hold down your work, use Scheduler to make logging asynchronous.

sink = LogSinks; let sink = LogSinks; let sink = LogSinks; first and foremost. sink(on: dispatchQueue) / or an operationQueue, or other custom schedulers, such as an event scheduler .encode(JSONEncoder()) / the time-consuming part of the operation starts. .encrypt(key, cipher:.ChaChaPoly).encrypt(key, cipher:.ChaChaPoly).encrypt(key, cipher:.ChaChaPol compress(.COMPRESSION LZFSE)


The logging may be asynchronous due to Scheduler.

It implies that the sinking may have occurred in a different setting.

To capture and send the context, use hook with entry.parameters.

Value = CustomSinkContext let date = Date() let thread = LogHelper.thread private struct CustomSinkContext: LogParameterKey typealias let customSink: AnyLogSinkVoid, String> = AnyLogSinkVoid, String> = AnyLogSinkVoid, String> = AnyLogSinkVoid, String //! beforeSink: before the log creation. .init() $parameters[CustomSinkContext.self] $parameters[CustomSinkContext.self] $parameters[CustomSinkContext.self] $parameters[ ! sink: record, next in, next in, next in, next in, next in, next in, next in, next in It’s possible that the sink isn’t in the same place as the log generation. sink.record (next: next) in guard (record) -> String? let record.entry.parameters = context [CustomSinkContext.self] else let time = LogHelper.format(, using “HH:mm:ss.SSS”) let thread = context.thread /

Please keep in mind that when you use encode, all arguments containing a string as a key will be encoded as well.

First and foremost, LogSinks.hook $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ .encode(JSONEncoder()).encode(JSONEncoder()).encode(JSONEncoder() /* “currentUserId”: “1”, “appName”: “LogDog”, “appVersion”: “0.0.1”, “date”: “2020-11-19T01:12:37.001Z” */ “label”: “app”, “level”: “debug”, “metadata”: /…


Appenders are the places where log records are sent.

Appenders that come pre-installed


Strings are appended to the underlying OSLog.

appender = OSLogAppender; let appender = OSLogAppender; let appender = OSLog (osLog)


Strings are appended to the underlying TextOutputStream.

appender = TextLogAppender; let appender = TextLogAppender; let appender = TextLog (stream) TextLogAppender should be set to stdout. let stderr = TextLogAppender stdout stderr


Outputs are appended to the underlying appenders.

When concurrent is true, a dispatch group is utilized to parallelize all appenders’ adding. MultiplexLogAppender(concurrent: true, a, b, c, d/*,…*/)



  • [ ] asynchronous
  • [ ] rotate automatically
  • [ ] …

You can discover additional integrations at LogDogCommunity in addition to the sinks/appenders listed above!


LogDog’s output may be colored.



LogDog’s output should be encrypted.


Add the LogDog output to CocoaLumberjack.

Don’t see the sink or faucet you’re looking for? Contributions are much appreciated!


Swift Package Manager is a program that allows you to manage your

.package(url: “”, from: “0.2.0”),.package(url: “”, from: “0.2.0”),.package(url:


‘LogDog’, ‘> 0.2.0’ pod


The datadog agentless logging is a service designed to work out of the box. It uses pre-configured logger that can be used anytime.

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