Dynamics CRM and Hubspot Integration: Popular Scenarios and Steps to Perform

Image2Various modern business areas, like B2B, B2C, marketing, tech companies, e-commerce, healthcare, and education, always seek to optimize their sales and marketing efforts, improve customer engagement, and drive revenue growth. HubSpot Dynamics integration helps them to reach it by using the strengths of both platforms in one ecosystem.

The table below shows how Dynamics CRM and HubSpot integration benefits each business area.

Business Area Benefits
B2B ●          Streamlines lead management

●          Automates marketing workflows

●          Tracks the effectiveness of marketing campaigns throughout the sales pipeline.

B2C ●          Enhances customer engagement

●          Personalizes marketing communications

●          Delivers exceptional customer experiences across multiple touchpoints.

Marketing ●          Streamlines processes

●          Tracks campaign performance

●          Provides clients valuable insights into lead generation and sales attribution.

SaaS providers, IT services firms, and technology startups ●          Manage customer relationships

●          Drive product adoption

●          Support customer success initiatives.

Consulting, Law, and Accounting ●          Streamline client management

●          Track engagements, and nurture client relationships through targeted marketing and communication efforts.

E-commerce ●          Tracks customer interactions

●          Personalizes marketing communications

●          Drives repeat purchases through targeted promotions and email campaigns.

Healthcare ●          Improves patient engagement

●          Streamlines appointment scheduling

●          Delivers patients personalized health information and resources with such integration.

Universities, colleges, and training centers ●          Manage student relationships

●          Streamline admissions processes Enhance recruitment efforts through targeted marketing campaigns and communications.

The Most Popular Scenarios for How to Integrate Dynamics CRM and HubSpot

As said above, businesses often use Dynamics CRM  and HubSpot integration to streamline processes, improve collaboration between sales and marketing teams, and deliver personalized experiences to prospects and customers across the entire customer lifecycle.

Let’s discuss the most common scenarios of such integration using the universal tool for these processes, like Skyvia.

Load Data in any Direction

In case of the need to load data from Dynamics CRM to HubSpot, from HubSpot to Dynamics CRM, or bi-directionally between the two platforms, select data integration solutions that provide such an integration type. For instance, with Skyvia import, you can filter data, transform it, and so on. You may use these features in both directions.

Skyvia also supports the UPSERT operation, which means inserting new records and updating existing ones in the target, avoiding duplicates for existing target records.

Two-Ways Data Sync

Businesses often have to ensure that any changes made in one platform are reflected in the other platform simultaneously. In that case, they require real-time data synchronization between Dynamics CRM and HubSpot in both directions.


In this scenario, Skyvia optimizes the processes because it doesn’t need to load all the data each time; it tracks changes in the synchronized data sources and performs only necessary data changes. Its mapping features are also cool, allowing you to sync data with different structures.

Updates and Deletes of Mass Data

Data updating and deleting unnecessary ones is one of the most common business data processing scenarios, including Dynamics CRM and HubSpot integration.

In this case, Skyvia’s role is to provide DML operations, including UPDATE and DELETE. Such a scenario allows using import to perform mass update processes or mass data deletion, matching the appropriate conditions.

One-Way Data Update and Sync New Ones

Sometimes, your company may need to sync only new or updated data from Dynamics CRM to HubSpot or from HubSpot to Dynamics CRM without syncing data changes back in the opposite direction.

For such a scenario, Skyvia offers loading only new and modified records from Dynamics 365 to HubSpot and vice versa. But it’s not a big deal because you can use import to perform a one-way sync.

How Skyvia Helps to Integrate Dynamics CRM and HubSpot in a Few Simple Steps

Please follow this step-by-step guide to integrate Dynamics CRM and HubSpot quickly and easily using Skyvia for seamless data synchronization and collaboration between your CRM and marketing platforms.

Create a New Integration

●      Log in to your Skyvia account, go to the “Integrations” tab.

●          Click “Create” to start a new integration.

Select Dynamics CRM and HubSpot as Data Sources

●          In the integration wizard, choose “Dynamics CRM” as the source data connector and “HubSpot” as the target data connector.

●          Follow the prompts to authenticate and connect to your Dynamics CRM and HubSpot accounts.

Map Data Objects

●          After connecting both data sources, you can map data objects/entities between Dynamics CRM and HubSpot.

●          Select the entities you want to synchronize, like leads, contacts, accounts, or custom objects, and define field mappings between them.

Configure Synchronization Settings

Specify synchronization settings: such as:

●          Synchronization direction (bi-directional, one-way).


●          Synchronization frequency (real-time, scheduled),.

●          Filtering criteria or conditions to apply during synchronization.

Run the Integration

●          Once the configuration is complete, save your integration settings and run the integration job to synchronize data between Dynamics CRM and HubSpot.

Monitor and Manage Integrations

After the integration job runs, you can:

●          Monitor data synchronization activities.

●          View synchronization log.

●          Manage integration settings from the Skyvia dashboard.

●          You can also schedule automated synchronization jobs to run at specific intervals.

The Real-life Use Cases of Dynamics CRM and HubSpot Integration

So, how do such scenarios work in the reality of modern business? Let’s go through the everyday use cases and see the whole picture.

Use Case Scenario Integration
Lead Capture and Management Leads captured through HubSpot’s marketing efforts need to be transferred smoothly to Dynamics CRM for further qualification, assignment, and tracking by the sales team. Set up bi-directional sync between HubSpot and Dynamics CRM to automatically sync leads, contacts, and related data, ensuring a smooth handoff between marketing and sales teams.
Marketing Automation and Campaign Management Marketing campaigns managed in HubSpot have to be aligned with sales efforts in Dynamics CRM, with campaign data and lead activity tracked across both platforms. Integrate HubSpot with Dynamics CRM to synchronize campaign data, track lead engagement, and trigger automated actions such as lead scoring, nurturing, and follow-up based on predefined rules and criteria.
Pipeline Visibility and Reporting Sales teams require real-time visibility into pipeline activity, deal progress and revenue attribution across both HubSpot and Dynamics CRM. Configure data synchronization and reporting dashboards to provide unified pipeline visibility, track deal stages, monitor sales performance, and analyze campaign effectiveness across both platforms.
Customer Engagement and Support Customer interactions and support requests logged in Dynamics CRM must be integrated with HubSpot to provide personalized follow-up, targeted communications, and proactive customer engagement. Integrate Dynamics CRM with HubSpot’s customer service tools to synchronize customer data, track support interactions, and trigger automated responses to provide consistent and timely customer communication.
Personalized Marketing and Communication Businesses want to deliver personalized marketing communications and tailored content to prospects and customers based on their interactions, preferences, and behavior.  Data sync and segmentation capabilities are used to leverage customer insights from Dynamics CRM and HubSpot, which allows personalized email campaigns, targeted offers, and relevant content recommendations.


If your business is looking to optimize sales and marketing efforts, improve customer engagement, drive revenue growth, and search for unified customer data and streamlined processes, Dynamics CRM and HubSpot integration is your way to go.