Download and Install Microsoft Edge in Linux

Download and Install Microsoft Edge in Linux

Some people prefer to use Linux, but there are many things that they miss by not using Microsoft Edge. This article contains step-by-step instructions on how to download and install Microsoft Edge for Linux.

The “download microsoft edge for linux” is a command-line tool that allows users to download and install Microsoft Edge in Linux. The installation script will need to be run as root.



Microsoft’s new Chromium-based Microsoft for Linux has finally been published. Even though it’s still in beta, you’ll have to manually install it on your PC. But don’t be concerned; we’ve got your back. We’ll go through the techniques and stages for downloading and installing Microsoft Edge on Linux in this post.

We’ve covered all of the main Linux distributions in this article, including Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, OpenSUSE, and Arch.

Also see Microsoft Edge vs. Google Chrome vs. Mozilla Firefox: Pros and Cons

Microsoft Edge for Linux is available for download and installation.


Download and Install Microsoft Edge in Linuximage courtesy of Microsoft

Based on Debian/Ubuntu Linux

In the whole community, this is the most widely used Linux. It generally allows you to manually install the.deb file. So, we’ll manually install the.deb package for the new chromium-based Microsoft Edge. To download and install Microsoft Edge on Debian/Ubuntu-based Linux, follow the instructions below.


To show the processes in this post, we will use Ubuntu as an example. Installing on your system may be done in a similar manner.

  • To begin, get the Microsoft Edge.deb file from here.
  • We’ll need the location later in the procedure, so save it.

To install Microsoft Edge on Ubuntu using apt, use the following command:

path to deb file sudo apt install

To install Microsoft Edge on Ubuntu using dpkg, use the following command:

path to deb file sudo dpkg -i

Based on Fedora/openSUSE Linux

Another Linux based on Fedora or openSUSE that the community uses for a variety of activities is Fedora or openSUSE. It generally allows you to manually install the.rpm file. So, we’ll manually install the.deb package for the new chromium-based Microsoft Edge. To download and install Microsoft Edge on Debian/Ubuntu-based Linux, follow the instructions below.


To show the processes in this post, we will use Fedora as an example. Installing on your system may be done in a similar manner.

  • To begin, get the Microsoft Edge.deb file from here.
  • We’ll need the location later in the procedure, so save it.

Utilize the following command if you wish to use the classic rpm method:

rpm -i package name.rpm path to rpm file

Utilize one of the following two instructions if you are connected to the internet and wish to use more dependable options:

localinstall path to rpm file package name.rpm yum localinstall path to rpm file package name.rpm dnf localinstall path to rpm file package name.rpm

Linux based on Arch

There are several reasons to like Arch Linux. Yes, I am prejudiced since I run Manjaro Linux, which is one of the most well-known varieties of Arch Linux. In my opinion, Arch is the greatest. I believe we’ve gone off the rails here. So, installing Microsoft Edge on an Arch-based Linux like Manjaro Linux is simple since everything you need is available in the AUR repository. If you use Arch Linux, I’m sure you’re already aware with AUR, or Arch User Repository. All you have to do now is type the correct command and you’re ready to go.

Also see: Why Did I Make the Switch From Windows 10 to Manjaro Linux?


To show the processes in this post, we will use Manjaro as an example. Installing on your system may be done in a similar manner.



Making Use of Software Manager

  • Open the Software Manager application.
  • Then, at the top of the screen, click the three dots.
  • Then go to the preferences menu.
  • Navigate to the AUR tab now.
  • Finally, activate the ‘Enable AUR Support’ option on the bar.
  • Allow some time for the repository to be updated.
  • Finally, look for the package name, such as ‘Microsoft Edge.’
  • ‘microsoft-edge-dev’ is the package name you’ll see.
  • Finally, press the construct button.

How to Use the Command Line

To create an AUR package, follow the steps below:

The package name may be found at the following link: Microsoft Edge in AUR.

package name package name package name package name package name package name package

The yay package manager is another useful tool for creating AUR packages. To create the AUR package using the ‘yay’ package manager, follow the procedures below.

  • To install yay, open a terminal and type the following command.

pacman -S yes sudo

  • We’ll utilize yay to install Microsoft Edge on Linux now that it’s installed.
  • To construct it, use the following command:

package name yeah yay yay yay yay yes


These were the easiest ways to get Microsoft Edge on Linux and install it (Chromium Based). We’ve covered all of the main Linux distributions, including Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, OpenSUSE, and Arch; however, if you have any other Linux, please leave a comment below and we’d be happy to assist you with installing it on your machine.



Peace 😉


Microsoft Edge is a browser that is available for Windows, MacOS, Linux, and Android. The “microsoft edge ubuntu” downloads the 32-bit version of Microsoft Edge for Ubuntu.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I install Microsoft edge on Linux?

A: This is a complicated process as it requires you to install Wine first. You then have to find the correct package for Microsoft edge on Linux, and download that file from there. Then you have to use your distros software manager or other means of installing packages normally in order to get this application installed properly on your computer.

How do I install Microsoft edge from terminal?

A: The quickest way to install Microsoft Edge from a terminal is with the following command curl | sudo apt-key add – && sudo sh -c echo deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) main > /etc/apt/sources.list. sudo apt update

How do I download and install Microsoft edge?

A: You can download Microsoft Edge from the Windows Store.

  • microsoft edge linux
  • microsoft edge download
  • install edge on ubuntu
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  • microsoft edge for linux release date